Wondering How to Choose between Dental Implant, Bridges, and Dentures?

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Patients who have lost multiple teeth or are on the brink of having some removed usually have one chief concern: how to get their complete smile back. Partnering with your dentist or periodontist will help to ensure you get the right treatment for your needs and preferences. However, it’s a good idea to do a little research beforehand — keep reading to learn more about your tooth replacement options, and why dental implants in Boston are far and away the best choice for eligible candidates.

Comparing Dental Implants, Bridges, and Dentures

Dental implants, bridges, and dentures are all available to fill gaps in the teeth. While they all do the same job, there are a few key differences between these three tooth replacement methods. Here’s a bit more about each one, and how they compare:

  • Dentures: A replacement for multiple missing teeth (located anywhere in the mouth) that is removable. Dentures rest on the gums and can cause bone resorption and gum recession as a consequence. Dentures usually need to be replaced every 5 to 7 years and often are uncomfortable to wear.

Usually, the only reason for dentures is financial limitations or severe medical conditions not allowing for dental implant surgery.

  • Bridges: A bridge can replace one or sometimes two consecutive missing teeth. It is secured by two crowns placed around the teeth that are adjacent to the gap in the smile. Those teeth have to be ground down to stumps to accommodate the abutment crowns, which is why bridges are usually associated with the loss of healthy tooth structure. If one tooth is missing the problem is expanded to the two adjacent teeth not actually being part of the problem – consequently a one-tooth problem becomes a three-tooth problem.  A bridge can prevent the other teeth from moving and restore your oral function but it puts high stress on the abutment teeth on either side.
  • Dental implants: A dental implant is a small titanium post that is implanted into the jaw bone and a natural-looking crown is placed on top. Dental implants usually support fixed restorations and do not require the loss of healthy tooth structure. If maintained well implants usually last a very long time. Dental implants can replace any number of missing teeth located anywhere in the mouth.

The Multiple Benefits of Dental Implants

Of the three options, patients who are eligible for dental implants are strongly encouraged to choose them for their numerous advantages.

Some of the most significant benefits of this tooth replacement include:

  • Dental implants reduce the risk of losing additional teeth later on
  • Compared to other options, dental implants more effectively restore a patient’s ability to eat, speak, and smile naturally
  • With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last for a lifetime
  • And many more!

Are You Eligible?

Patients who are generally healthy are usually candidates for dental implants. The only way to know for sure is to schedule an appointment with your Boston periodontist! If you are eligible, you have a lot to look forward to — most importantly a beautiful, long-lasting smile once again!

Meet the Periodontist

Dr. Alexander Schrott is a trusted periodontist providing a comprehensive array of services, from dental implants to complicated bone grafting procedures, gum disease treatment and more. To learn more about your tooth replacement options or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Schrott directly by phone at (617) 484 9240.