Can You Get Dental Implants While Pregnant?

Dental implants are false teeth that function and resemble natural healthy teeth. Patients considering treatment options for missing teeth often choose dental implants thanks to their durability. According to research available through the National Institutes of Health, when patients properly care for their implants, they can remain in good condition for decades.

However, the process of receiving implants can be somewhat lengthy. Perhaps you decided to move forward with this treatment option, only to discover that you’re pregnant before treatment can actually begin. For more information, discuss this topic with your periodontist.

Dental Implants During Pregnancy: Factors to Consider

You may have concerns about potential risk factors during dental implant treatment that could theoretically affect a developing fetus. Such factors may include:

  • X-rays
  • Anesthesia

Accounting for these factors when deciding whether or not to proceed with dental implant treatment during pregnancy is understandable. That said, patients should be aware that, according to the American Pregnancy Association, it is safe for pregnant women to have dental X-rays taken. Because dental X-rays focus the radiation on an area of the body away from the fetus, they won’t cause harm.

The American Dental Association also states that local anesthesia is safe for pregnant women. General anesthesia, however, could potentially endanger the fetus. If you believe you will need general anesthesia due to dental anxiety and/or a low pain threshold, you may be better off waiting to receive a dental implant until after you’ve given birth.

Dental Implant Treatment & Pregnancy: Deciding When Treatment is Necessary

Speaking with your periodontist about this topic is important for several reasons. A professional can answer your questions more thoroughly to help you make an informed decision.

A periodontist can also help you determine whether it’s necessary to receive a dental implant now or whether you can wait until you’ve given birth to schedule treatment.

Undergoing certain oral health treatments during pregnancy may be important for both you and the fetus. For example, significant dental decay can endanger a developing baby. Plus, receiving treatment for decay during pregnancy is critical.

On the other hand, patients can often wait to receive implants as there is typically no immediate medical need for one. However, there are exceptions. Speak with a professional about this issue to decide whether it’s important to proceed with treatment now or whether you should make a plan to begin treatment once your pregnancy is over.

Learn More About Dental Implants in Belmont, MA

At Schrott Perio Implants, our team is happy to answer any questions you may have about receiving dental implants during pregnancy. Contact us online or call us at (617) 484-9240 today to request an appointment.